Premiering on Broadway in 2006, “Spring Awakening” was a coming of age rock-musical based on an original 1891 German play. It addressed the many changes teenagers face when growing up. The show’s huge success has been acknowledged by a long list of awards garnered.

Coming of age today is more complex. According to the March 23rd WSJ Opinion article by Suzy Welch, Generation Z “yearns for stability”, even assessing that it’s a “sexy” hope. Her concluding paragraph is a message for not only the young but for everyone at any age.

“…all you can really hope for is good health and a meaningful life. Our health is often out of our hands, but making meaning of the change around us - making it about something greater and better than simply change itself is something we can all endeavor to do, perhaps now more than ever.

Let’s make that the new normal together.”
